Welcome to Doggie Latchkey!

Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to read our terms of services and to enter your information

Please be sure to complete each section in order and provide as much detail as possible so that Doggie Latchkey can provide you with the award winning service that it's known for

Doggie Latchkey clients love it's convenient to use anywhere, Mobile Client App. Doggie Latchkey strongly urges new clients to upload this app right away...There's no need to fill out additional information as all of your data from this portal will be right at your fingertips on your mobile device.

For iOS users:


For Android users:


Pet Tab

  • We want to learn everything about your amazing pet(s) so we can best match our pet sitter or dog walker with your pet

  • Medication -  Your pet sitter is not allowed to dispense pills from a bottle.  Clients are required to place pills in a zip lock bag or pill organizer with pet name and instructions for each dosage including time of day.   Safety of your pet is our #1 priority.

  • Insulin - Must be preloaded by the client in syringes for the safety of your pet

  • Feeding instructions and food location

  • Walking, exercise instructions and leash location

  • You also have the option to upload a pet photo. We love seeing your fur babies!

Contact Information Tab 

  • Please include your lockbox and or hide a key information PLUS a backup option should any of these fail

  • Be sure to have your important information current; Address, mobile number, email

  • Always have your emergency contact name/phone/email and vet information updated and current

Schedule Service Tab

  • Select type of service and time of service. Feel free to add helpful sitter notes to each service in the special note box provided.  If you are booking overnight pet or 24 hour care, please include a note to the order with preferred sitter arrival time on the first day and departure time for sitter on the last day of an overnight extended stay

Vacation pet care 

  • Please use the Special Notes box to tell us the total number of visits needed for your order.  We also want you to note the number of visits on the first and last day of your vacation.   It is very helpful to us for scheduling and billing

Overnight pet care

  • Please add a note in the special note box for this service indicating the start date and time for the sitter departure on the last day

  • VIP 24 hour care is the Gold Standard of our offerings

  • Overnight care is minimum of 12 hours, dinner to breakfast

  • Many of our clients need more than overnight and less than 24 hour care for their pets. They frequently opt for an overnight plus a mid-day 30 to 60 minute visit

Credit Card Tab  

  • All major credit cards are accepted. Please carefully enter your card information and keep up to date so there are no delays in your booking now and in the future. Remember that services cannot be booked without a valid credit card on file in your client portal. Doggie Latchkey DOES NOT add credit card fees to your invoice.

  • New Clients: Doggie Latchkey will process your credit card for $35 upon booking to allocate its resources for your dates. This amount will be deducted from your final invoice and is non-refundable in the event of cancellation

Meet & Greets

  • Please note: Optional Meet and Greets (virtual or in person) cannot be scheduled prior to Doggie Latchkey's receipt of your booking detail.

  • Once you've requested your services it's time to schedule a meet and greet of your choice!  Keep in mind, due to high demand, all Meet and Greets can only be ordered via your client portal.  

  • Virtual Meet and Greets are always free. 

  • In Person Meet and Greets are complimentary for first time clients. 

  • A minimal fee will be assessed for additional Meet and Greet requests as your sitter is paid for their time during the consultation.


Thank you in advance for carefully updating your portal and having everything ready for our scheduling team to assign your sitter or walker. 

Should you have login difficulties or any issues with this portal set-up, please reach out to us via the easy to use Contact Us form on our website, doggielatchkey.com and we'll be in touch with you quickly

  • Terms & Conditions


    This pet sitting service agreement is made between DOGGIE LATCHKEY, LLC and hereinafter referred to as “Doggie
    Latchkey”, and the below named Client, hereinafter referred to a “Client” for pet sitting services.

    1. Client agrees to pay Doggie Latchkey for all services at the time of reservation unless otherwise agreed to. The appointment will be confirmed upon receipt of payment.

    2. Client certifies that he/she is the actual owner of the pet(s) indicated above.

    3. Client releases Doggie Latchkey to perform services as stated above, and permits Doggie Latchkey to enter Client’s home upon Client’s request for service made via telephone, e-mail, or in person. Client agrees to notify Doggie latchkey of any concerns within 24 hours of services rendered.

    4. Doggie Latchkey will not unlock or open doors and/or gates on Client’s property for any person(s) company or service at anytime, for any reason, unless directed by the Client.

    5. Client will not hold Doggie Latchkey responsible for any damage to Client’s property, property of others or bodily harm to others that has been caused by the Client’s pet.

    6. Client (Daily or regular client) will notify Doggie Latchkey of visit cancellation at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled visit. Client agrees to pay a $25.00 cancellation fee or the regular visit fee, whichever is less, if the 48-hour noti-fication is not provided. This applies to daily or regular clients.

    7. Client (Vacation, weekend or periodic client) will notify Doggie Latchkey of visit cancellation at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the first scheduled visit. Client agrees to pay a $20.00 cancellation fee if the 72-hour notification is not pro-vided. Cancellations made with less than 24-hour notice will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but may be subject to a penalty fee equal to the cost of a full day’s visits. This applies to vacation, weekend or periodic clients.

    8. Major Holiday Vacation sits have a no refund policy due to the high demand for sits. Once booked, we do not offer refunds for any of these specific dates. Holidays are New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Eve. Holidays are subject to change at any time based on demand. No exceptions.

    9. Client authorizes Doggie Latchkey to obtain emergency veterinarian care, which may become necessary while Client’s pet(s) are under the care of Doggie Latchkey, if Doggie Latchkey cannot contact client immediately and directly. If Client’s pre-ferred veterinarian is not accessible, Doggie Latchkey is authorized by the Client to seek another veterinarian.

    10. Client is responsible for all veterinarian and emergency expenses, as indicated in the Veterinarian Release segment above.
    Client understands that Doggie Latchkey will not lend money for or cover any veterinary expenses.

    11. Client agrees to pay Doggie Latchkey for emergency pet sitting at the hourly rate of $35.00 , which includes but is not limited to, transportation of the pet(s) to veterinarian office and time spent at the veterinarian’s office. Client releases Doggie Latchkey from any and all liability related to transportation, veterinarian treatment and expenses.

    12. Client certifies that the Emergency Contact person named above has been notified that he/she has been designated as the person who will make decisions on the Client’s behalf in the case of an emergency. The Client agrees to notify Doggie Latchkey immediately, should he/she change the Emergency Contact person.

    13. Client certifies that the Pet Guardian named above has been notified that he/she has been designated as the person who will take responsibility of the Client’s pet(s), should the Client suffer severe injury or death. The Client agrees to notify Doggie Latchkey immediately, should he/she change the Pet(s) Guardian.

    14. Doggie Latchkey is entrusted to exercise the best judgment under circumstances of inclement weather, a natural disaster, a state of emergency, war, or act of God in caring for the Client’s pet(s) and property. Doggie Latchkey shall be held harmless for the inability to visit Client’s property during such particular times.

    15. Client agrees that Doggie Latchkey will not be liable for the injury, disappearance, death or fines of any pet(s) that are left with unsupervised access to the outdoors.

    16. Client agrees that Doggie Latchkey will not be liable for any damages resulting from the performance by Doggie Latch-key of any additional voluntary services which are specifically requested by Client and agreed upon by Doggie Latchkey, i.e., watering plants, bringing in newspaper.

    17. Client warrants that pet(s) to be cared for have no history of vicious or violent behavior.

    18. Client agrees to indemnify, be liable for and compensate Doggie Latchkey for any and all damages suffered by Doggie Latchkey (including its owners, representatives, employees and subcontractors - hereafter referred to as "representa-tives") and/or any third parties, that occurs while Doggie Latchkey is providing services for Client, including, but not limited to, damages caused by the pet(s) to be cared for, personal injury, and all other damages, etc. Client states
    that it has and will continue to maintain homeowners/renters insurance at any and all times Doggie Latchkey is provid-ing services for Client.

    19. Client agrees to lock all windows, screens, and doors prior to leaving his/her home unattended for the safety and securi-ty of the Client’s pet(s), property and that of Doggie Latchkey.

    20. Client agrees to have sufficient pet food, pet medication, pet cleaning supplies and other important pet supplies readily available to Doggie Latchkey prior to departure. In the event of pending rain or inclement weather, Client agrees to have towel(s) available to dry off pet(s) who will be taken outside by DOGGIE LATCHKEY. Client agrees to reim-burse DOGGIE LATCHKEY for all re-supply of products that may become necessary for the satisfactory perfor-mance of duties. Client agrees to compensate Doggie Latchkey for trips made to the store for such products at the hourly rate of

    21. Client agrees to pay a fee of $35.00 per returned check, and agrees to be responsible for any and all costs associated with collection proceedings.

    22. In the event of personal emergency, illness or injury to members or representatives of Doggie Latchkey, Client authorizes
    Doggie Latchkey to arrange for another qualified individual to fulfill the responsibilities set forth.

    23. Doggie Latchkey agrees to provide services as discussed, in a timely, reliable, and caring manner.

    24. Client releases Doggie Latchkey from any and all liability arising out of the services provided, except for direct injuries to the pet(s) or to tangible property resulting from Doggie Latchkey's gross negligence or intentional misconduct.

    25 Doggie Latchkey loves to share pictures and videos of your favorite pets on Facebook and our website. Do we have your permission to use images of your pets? (We never share your personal information, just your pets’ names and city)

    By clicking submit, client affirms they have received a copy of the Policies and Procedures of Doggie Latchkey and agree to the contents therein. Client has read the terms of this agreement and confirms the accuracy of the information provided in the Client Worksheet. The signatures below indicate agreement to these terms.

 Doggie Latchkey's full terms of service are available at this link: