This contract is an agreement between Bloomfield Pet Care
and Client for Pet Care Services beginning on today’s date and thereafter on an
as-needed basis. PET CARE
Pet care services will be provided at the
rates advertised on the BLOOMFIELD PET CARE (BPC) website
(http://www.bloomfieldpetcare.com/Services.html). Rates for subsequent
services are subject to change. 2.
All schedule changes, additions and
cancellations must be made through the customer portal. Email and telephone
calls are not always monitored daily. To
assure your requests are being attended to promptly, use the customer portal. 3.
authorizes BPC to perform pet care services as outlined in the Customer Portal,
which shall become part of this contract. Prior to any future pet care services
Client agrees to update BPC of any changes to the information, including
feeding, key information and any other pertinent information. All information must be updated in customer
portal. 4.
of a specific time in the portal does not necessarily mean the specific time is
available. We work within a 2-3 hour
window of time staying as close to the requested time as possible. If an exact time is needed, this MUST be
confirmed through the owner, Meghan.
Team Members have little control over their assigned schedules and many
factors are considered when finalizing the schedule. Regular business hours are 8am-
8pm. Visits outside of this time frame and visits requested within 24 hours will
be assessed an additional fee, in addition certain holidays incur a fee of $10
per visit. 5.
care: In the event that pet(s) being cared for require immediate medical
attention, BPC will attempt to contact the Client prior to obtaining emergency
care. However, Client agrees that pet sitter has the authority to act in pet’s
best interest even if this means seeking medical attention prior to notifying
Client. Client agrees to reimburse BPC for any additional fees and/or expenses
incurred while tending to emergency or veterinary care. 6.
weather/Natural disaster/Act of war: In the event of inclement weather, natural
disaster, or act of war BPC is entrusted to use best judgment in caring for
pet(s) and home. Client recognizes that in the event of inclement weather,
natural disaster, or act of war BPC reserves the right to alter services
outlined in this contract. 7.
emergency: In the event of personal emergency or illness of pet sitter, Client
authorizes BPC to arrange for another qualified team member to fulfill agreed
upon responsibilities as set forth on this contract without prior authorization.
Key policy: BPC requires at least 2
keys to be kept on file for services. Client agrees to allow BPC to keep
their keys on file in a secure location for future services. After 2 years of
no services, customer file becomes inactive and key may be destroyed. If Client
prefers to have key returned following service, Client agrees to pay $10.00
pick-up and drop off fee for future services. If less than two keys are
given, client gives BPC permission to make an additional copy for any Team
Member servicing Client. 9.
Client gives BPC the authority to use the services of a locksmith in the event
of malfunction of the lock, keys, or automatic door opener. Client also agrees
to reimburse BPC within 7 days of return for all costs incurred, and to hold BPC
harmless for consequences related to the activities of the locksmith. 10.
Client agrees that payments for walking
or sitting services are to be paid in full at the time of booking or before the
first day that service begins. Payment is due directly to Bloomfield Pet Care
and not to the Team Member. If
payment is not received at the time of service, a $25.00 late fee may be added
to your invoice. Bloomfield Pet Care accepts cash, check or PayPal and invoices will be
sent to email address on file. We also accept Visa and MasterCard as
payment for service. Credit cards will automatically be charged for future
services, at least 7 days prior to start of service. There will be a $35.00
charge for returned checks. 11.
Services: If Client requests to extend
service, the Client guarantees payment at the same rate for all services
provided upon return. 12.
Client agrees to call the BPC office or text Team Member prior to leaving to
confirm departure day/time, and again upon returning home to let us know that
pets are safe. If Client expects to arrive home earlier or later than planned, BPC
must be notified as soon as possible. No refunds will be given if trips are cut
short. 13.
BPC requires at least a 24-hour notice of cancellation for daily dog walking.
Less than 24-hour notice will result in Client being billed for 50% of the fee
for booked services. Cancellation fee
may be waived due to inclement weather conditions or personal emergency. Cancellations made the day of service, vacation visits, weekend trips and during Holiday weeks and
busy vacation times may not be refunded or credited. LIABILITY 1.
PET CARE (BPC), its employees and/or independent contractors, agrees to provide
the services in a caring, responsible manner. The client waives and
relinquishes any and all claims against BPC, its employees and/or independent
contractors, except those arising from negligence of the pet sitter. Client
agrees to notify BPC of any concerns related to services within 24 hours of
return home. 2.
Emergency contact: Client agrees to provide BPC with contact
information where he/she can be reached while away. Client will also provide a
name and phone number of someone who is authorized to handle any major
problems. If Client or designated contact person cannot be reached in a timely
manner, Client agrees to accept any decision BPC makes in regards to pet care
or Client’s property. 3. Visitors: If anyone will be entering
Client’s home while it is under our care, Client agrees to notify BPC in
advance. BPC will not enter an occupied home if we have not previously
made us aware of visitors. Similarly, unless we receive instructions
from Client, we will not grant access to the home to any visitors. BPC will not
be held responsible for any damages incurred to Client’s home or pet(s) by
visitors. It is understood that anyone with access to the home will be notified
of BPC presence and vice versa. The police will be called, without exception,
on all intruders or suspicious acts. 4.
Sharing: BPC does not "job
share" with your friends, family or other pet sitting businesses or their
representatives. Due to insurance and liability, we cannot be held
responsible for your home and personal belongings, including pets, if anyone
other than our staff enters your home while you are
away. 5.
Outdoor access: BPC will not be held liable for the well being or
actions of any pet with unsupervised access to the outdoors. This includes
indoor/outdoor cats or dogs with access to “doggie doors.” 6. Dog
Walking: We
require that all dogs be walked using the appropriate leash and collar/harness
system for their size and temperament. Certain types of walking equipment
may not provide sufficient control for those who lunge or pull, or may not be
secure enough, leaving room for a wiggly pup to slip out. These issues can lead
to injury to the pup and to the walker. In the event Team Member
determines a dog’s collar/leash/harness is not sufficient to maintain the dog’s
safety or the safety of the Team Member, the Team Member may use a personal collar/leash/harness. BPC
does not use retractable leashes for dog walks. Clients must provide a secure
harness or collar and durable leash no longer than 6 feet. All pets must
have proper identification tags. 7.
Aggressive pets: We do not provide care to any type of
aggressive animals or those with a bite history. This includes pets that
have behaviors such as growling, showing or threatening to use their teeth or
claws, charging at or chasing people coming in, staying in or trying to
leave the home or property. If a pet has a history of biting or other
aggressive behavior, BPC reserves the right to refuse or cancel service. The
owner will be liable for the pet sitter’s medical expenses and/or damages that
are the result of an animal bite or injury due to pet’s aggressive behavior. 8.
Vaccinations and Illness: Client agrees to provide BPC with
proof of current vaccinations for all pets. Should pet sitter be bitten or
otherwise exposed to any disease or ailment received from Client animal(s),
Client agrees to pay all costs and damages incurred. 9.
Refusal of Care: We do not visit pets less often than once per
day for cats and three times per day for dogs (if client is out of town). We may
refuse care if we believe the pet is ill, contagious, stressed or malnourished
and should be more closely monitored, if the pet is at risk to self, staff,
or property, or if the pet cannot be safely contained in the client
home/property. We may refuse care if we feel the pet or the environment is
unsafe in any way or causes concern to Team Members or the owner of BPC. 10.
Future Services: Client authorizes this signed contract to be valid
for future services without additional signed contracts or written
authorization. The Client
states that he/she has read this entire agreement by signing below and
understands and agrees to its terms and conditions. |